Solutions for your supply chain to reduce costs, improve efficiency and move towards maximum performance.
Descripción de la propuesta de valor
Descripción de la propuesta de valor
Descripción de la propuesta de valor
Systems integration
In each project we offer integration with the systems that the client has, currently we are integrated with all the systems they have:
WHALES allows, with integration with customer and supplier systems, to import and export information from purchase orders, orders and production orders.
With this, it is possible to eliminate the task of “chopping data” that does not add value to the process and eliminates the use of paper for the exchange of information between the different actors in the process, which implies significant savings in paper consumables and reduces errors. of manual input into the system.
WHALES reads from the ERP the information necessary to carry out the warehouse’s logistics processes and records the information back once the process is completed.

Process engineering
Together with our clients, we analyze the processes they are carrying out and propose improvement options in those points that we detect as possible. We collaborate in the design of the warehouse layout and map to optimize material flows. We carry out method and time studies and apply resource optimization to cost reduction.
- Plant engineering
- Calculation of methods and time
- Redesign of workplaces
- Elimination of non-added value
- Optimal material flow

Voice picking
The voice picking system allows movements in the warehouse to be carried out using voice. The devices are connected to the WMS that converts the orders into voice commands that the operator listens to and confirms by voice once they are carried out.
When to implement it?
SGA: TLSI offers the installation of Whales with voice picking and also the possibility of implementing voice picking supported by a SGA that the client has.
When there are many references and/or many orders: It is in these warehouses where you can take advantage of the advantages it offers both in terms of speed and reduction of incidents.
When looking for security: since it is a system in which the operator wears a headset, it is necessary to verify that this type of system can be implemented at the plant security level.

Advantages of voice picking
The operator has more freedom of movement by having both hands free, so he can perform tasks more agilely.
By having both hands free they can pick up loads more safely.
Using a system of check digits, the operator confirms to the system that the material he is picking up is correct.
It is a system that does not require major changes to warehouse infrastructure and allows it to be used in refrigerated warehouses. Implementation is simple because it does not require extensive training for its use by operators.
Pick to light
They are comfortable and intuitive systems for the operator, who keeps his hands free. They allow the operator to quickly know the location and exact quantity through luminous LEDs and displays, showing the quantity demanded and forcing confirmation of each collection or pick of the item.
The PTL system requires an EMS to support it. TLSI offers the installation of the WHALES WMS with PTL and also the possibility of implementing PTL supported by a WMS that the client has.
It allows all movements to be controlled electronically, which translates into increased productivity by avoiding searches for unlocatable references. The exchange of electronic informationThe exchange of electronic information also allows the work of each operator to be monitored automatically.

Advantages of pick to light
The operator has more freedom of movement as he has both hands free so he can carry out tasks more agilely. The PTL system guarantees speed and productivity when selecting products for picking.
The light of the product to be picked up turns on and the operator confirms to the system that the material he is picking up is the correct one by pressing the illuminated button.
By having both hands free they can pick up loads more safely.
The installation is attached to the shelving stringers. Implementation is simple because it does not require extensive training for its use by operators.
It means eliminating the use of paper and controlling all movements electronically. which translates into increased productivity by avoiding searches for unlocatable references. The exchange of electronic information also allows the work of each operator to be monitored automatically.
Productivity control
Whales allows you to manage by tasks, it is the system that, based on defined parameters, assigns each operator the tasks that they have to perform at all times.
All movements made by each operator are recorded in the system online. This information allows you to calculate the time dedicated to each task and compare it with the theoretically defined ones.
Advantages of productivity control
We know at all times what the operator is doing and how much time he is dedicating to each task.
Having this information allows us to detect possible errors in the theoretical calculation and can correct them before leading to a load saturation problem.
Knowing the times dedicated, we can distribute the loads to optimize the performance of each operator. The system assigns the tasks to be carried out, including work without added value and downtime.

Algunas de nuestras soluciones cuentan con hasta 20.000€ de subvención. Contacta con nosotros y te asesoraremos con la tramitación.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia
WHALES: Warehouse Handling Application Logistics Engineering System
Proveedores de soluciones de modernización
Orientado a la modernización en la Gestión de procesos logísticos y gestión de clientes
Whales es un sistema modular que permite gestionar de forma íntegra la cadena de suministro (desde la fabricación hasta el cliente final).
Integración de documentos de control electrónicos en los sistemas de gestión
Whales se integra con el ERP y con los sistemas de control de los clientes (niveles de stocks, rutas de transporte, checklist de validación de estado, etc…) para gestionar los procesos logísticos de la empresa. También nos integramos con los clientes de nuestros clientes para poder mostrar en tiempo real los pedidos, cuándo se van a entregar y la trazabilidad en la entrega.
Implantación de sistemas TMS (Transport Management SYSTEM)/ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
Whales Plan genera los viajes que hay que realizar, en qué orden hay que hacerlos, así como cuánto hay que descargar en cada destino con un control de las compatibilidades de los recursos.
Con la implantación de una versión estándar de Whales, nuestros clientes tendrán integrada la gestión de documentación de control y podrán realizar la gestión óptima de sus transportes, garantizando trazabilidad 100% de todas las operaciones asegurando el mejor servicio a sus clientes a partir de 20.000€.
Kit Digital
WHALES: Warehouse Handling Application Logistics Engineering System
Orientado a la Gestión de procesos logísticos y gestión de clientes
Whales es un sistema modular que permite gestionar de forma íntegra todos los procesos logísticos de un almacén o sólo algunos de ellos en función de las necesidades de cada cliente.
- Gestión de almacén: procesos de recepción, ubicación, abastecimiento y expedición.
- Gestión de los clientes: gestión íntegra de la información de los clientes necesaria para la gestión de pedidos.
- Información del cliente relativa a direcciones de producción y entrega.
- Condiciones específicas por cliente de embalaje y paletizado.
- Pautas de requerimientos de preparación de pedidos y envíos.
- Integración con el ERP para gestión de clientes.
- Gestión de expediciones.
- Reportes e Informes.
- Preparación de los pedidos a cliente. Sistemas en secuencia, Kanban, Pokayokes.
Con la implantación de una versión estándar de Whales nuestros clientes podrán tener el control de sus procesos logísticos con trazabilidad 100% a partir de 20.000€.
Any questions?
Contact us and request a demo or ask us any question